Youth Cooperation for Migrants Integration | Jugendkooperation für Migrantenintegration

Erasmus+ 2021-1-ES02-KA220-YOU-00028798

Please also see the project website:

The aim of this project is the integration of young migrants in Europe, following the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Due to the crises that many young people live in their countries of origin (economic, wars, political conflicts, etc.), many of them are looking for a way out to start a better life. We take action to facilitate the way for all these young people who arrive in a country without knowing anything, so that they can be helped by the local citizens, thus supporting a peer-to- peer methodology.

Each partner brought together a number of refugees and a number of local young people so that they can train them in different topics, and so that they can enrich each other. These encounters took place successively throughout the project duration.

• local young people from each region
• young migrants living in these regions, coming from ethnic minorities and in difficult situations
• youth and social workers
• teachers and trainers
• educational organisations
• local politicians


  1. Country Analysis Report
  2. Newcomer Course Materials
  3. Locals Course Materials
  4. Inspiring Peer Actities Materials

Ziel dieses Projekts ist die Integration junger Migranten in Europa gemäß der Agenda 2030 für nachhaltige Entwicklung. Aufgrund der Krisen, die viele junge Menschen in ihren Herkunftsländern durchleben (Wirtschaft, Kriege, politische Konflikte etc.), suchen viele von ihnen nach einem Ausweg, um ein besseres Leben zu beginnen. Wir ergreifen Maßnahmen, um all diesen jungen Menschen, die in ein Land kommen, ohne etwas darüber zu wissen, den Weg zu erleichtern, damit ihnen von den Bürgern vor Ort geholfen werden kann, und unterstützen dies durch die Peer-to-Peer-Methode.

Jeder Partner brachte eine Reihe von Flüchtlingen und eine Reihe von einheimischen Jugendlichen zusammen, damit sie sich in verschiedenen Themen informieren und gegenseitig bereichern können. Diese Treffen fanden nach und nach während der Projektzeitlauf statt.

• lokale Jugendlichen aus jeder Region
• jungen Migranten, die in diesen Regionen leben, aus ethnischen Minderheiten stammen und sich in schwierigen Situationen befinden
• Jugend- und Sozialarbeitern
• Lehrern und Ausbildern
• Bildungsorganisationen
• lokale Politiker


  1. Länderanalysebericht
  2. Newcomer Kursmaterialen
  3. Locals Kursmaterialien
  4. Inspirierende Peeraktivitäten Materialien


• SPAIN: MAD for Europe
• ITALY: TIA Formazione
• MALTA: Training to Malta
• SWEDEN: Svenska Youth League
• GREECE: Greek Council for Refugees
• GERMANY: Padmanau Studio GmbH


The project flyer is also available in English. You are invited to download the files here.


You are invited to download the full report in English, Spanish, Italian, Swedish, Greek, and German clicking on the German coverpage. The Country Analysis Report from 2022 shows the partner country’s status quo in the following topics:

  1. Learning techniques
  2. Education
  3. Policies and laws in the broader field of social inclusion
  4. Participation
  5. Funding
  6. Opportunities and challenges
  7. Best practices

Sneak preview on the conclusions:

As emerges from various inputs provided by project partners, peer learning can be an important, if not necessary, tool to facilitate the integration and authentic participation of young refugees/migrants in the host country. This is particularly true considering that relationships developed among peers in an era where young people spend increasingly more time within peer groups, compared to more traditional settings, can have a much more direct and impactful influence on them than in the past when the role of tutors or parents was more prevalent in a young person’s education and development. Peer-to-peer learning can also have a positive impact in mitigating perceived power or cultural imbalances that may give rise to discriminatory behaviors and opinions, as it can be a mutually beneficial learning process that fosters understanding, respect, and personal development for all individuals involved (e.g., peer tutors and tutees). However, for peer-to-peer learning to reach its potential, project partners have highlighted a series of prerequisites.

Ultimately, pedagogical techniques aim not only to provide refugees/migrants with the opportunity to lead a more active life as members of society but also to share the knowledge they bring from their home country, which can contribute to enriching the cultural wealth of a society, opening up space for the emergence of innovative processes and ideas.


The training materials for young people come in three batches: R2 is the training of the migrants/newcomers, R3 is the training of the locals – both in preparation for R4 peer activities. As we have found in the piloting, it is crucial to accompany and guide the beginning of the networking towards creative and supportive peer activities so as to assure that the young people have the time to get to know each other and work things out regarding language use. Looking at the piloting results, language can indeed be a decisive factor for network building if not the use translation devices is supported by language learning or a common language.

You are invited to download the materials by clicking on each result page thumbnail below. The results are available in English and German with country specific materials for Germany.

For the full results in English, with all country specific materials, please follow link to the project website